The student should be able to lay his emphasis on individual interests.
The lecture teaches the construction of mobile media applications. The main concepts are discussed using the Android platform. In a first partt, the basic technologies and limitations of mobile devices are shown. The second part examins different development strategies like native applications, device independend abstractions and web applications. A main part of the lecture is the integration of different media types into mobile applications and the constraints the developer has to keep in mind.
will be announced
Leacture with exercise
The buzzword "Cloud" represents a variety of interesting technologies which gained importance in the life of a computer science professional. Those are being collected, examined, explained and understood during the course. Primary objective is usefulness for the student, regardless of whether he acts as a cloud user, developer, administrator or even entrepreneur. Understand the broad meaning of "Cloud Computing" from a variety of perspectives: Definition, use cases, technology basics, key players, APIs, scaling, redundancy …
Powerpoint slides
The BSI's IT-Grundschutz provides a good basis for meeting the challenges of IT security management in a professional manner way to do justice.
Students learn how to structure information security, how to systematically look for weak points, and the appropriateness of implementation to examine protective measures and to develop and update security concepts
fit the business processes, tasks and organizational structures of a company institution and in general meet recognized standards.
Lecture slides
MC/MR practice questions in ILIAS
BSI-Standards zum IT-Grundschutz
BSI IT-Grundschutz-Kompendium
ISO/IEC 27000 Normenreihe
BSI: Online-Kurs IT-Grundschutz
Thomas W. Harich: IT-Sicherheitsmanagement - Praxiswissen für IT Security Manager, mitp Verlag
Jacqueline Naumann (Autor): ISO/IEC 27001 ISO/IEC 27002 und IT-Grundschutz: Schnelleinstieg Informationssicherheit