The student should be able to lay his emphasis on individual interests.
Einführung in die Programmiersprache ABAP mit praktischen Übungen im SAP NetWeaver Application Server ABAP.
Die Studenten sollen Sprachelemente, Workbench, Datenbank, Selektionsbilder, Funktionsbausteine und ABAP OO kennen lernen und eigenständig auf neue Fragestellungen anwenden können.
Vorlesungsmaterial vollständig in PowerPoint-Folien, Tafelaufschrieb bei interaktiver Erarbeitung von Kernproblemstellungen, Übungsblätter und selbständige praktische Übungen am SAP System.
Seminaristischer Unterricht mit hohem Laboranteil
This course is a placeholder for an external, graded course from another faculty or university. You must have the external subject approved before attending it.
This course is a placeholder for an external, graded course from another faculty or university. You must have the external subject approved before attending it.
This course will give you an insight into the multifaceted world of game design. You will deal with fundamental questions such as the definition of a game, the constituent elements of a game and what actually constitutes fun. The aim of the course is to provide you with basic tools to help you analyze and design games.
The lecture focuses mainly on practice oriented project management and new procedure models like Scrum.
This course enables students to obtain ECTS credits for social work done at Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences. The activity must be closely coordinated with a professor of the faculty. This can be, for example, support for the O-Phase or support for visually impaired students. In the case of the O-Phase, you will usually have to work on two semesters in order to achieve the required minimum number of hours.
If you are interested, you can also obtain the "Certificate of International and Intercultural Competence (CIIC)". It certifies the intercultural competences and foreign language skills acquired during the degree programme, provides evidence of study-related experiences abroad and lists the framework in which the participants have been involved in intercultural activities. To earn the CIIC, you must cover three of four subject areas. The main component in subject area 1 is the voluntary commitment of at least 50 hours (about 2 hours per week in one semester), which can be completed in institutions or projects with an international and/or intercultural connection. In addition to the commitment, you will attend an introductory event as well as a reflection workshop and prepare an experience report, which is necessary to pass the subject area. If you have any questions about the certificate, please contact the Center of Competence:
Through the Center of Competence, it is also possible to obtain the "Certificate for Social Engagement (ZGE)". It takes into account an even wider range of opportunities to get involved. Find your suitable area, whether it is community, social, cultural or ecological engagement. Your social engagement should comprise at least 100 time hours and last for at least one year. In addition to your commitment, you will attend various seminars from the Studium Generale (a total of 8 ECTS) to link your practical experience with theoretical knowledge. This certificate cannot be recognised as an elective subject. You can find more information here:
At regular intervals, the Center of Competence offers introductory events and reflection workshops for HKA students who are involved in voluntary work outside of their studies. This gives them the opportunity to exchange their experiences as volunteers with other participants and learn to reflect on and classify the insights they have gained. The next dates can be found on the CIIC website.
The course covers practical aspects from the field of software quality assurance. Each semester, a specific topic is selected and thoroughly discussed in multiple short student presentations.
Hoffmann: "Software-Qualität", Springer-Verlag, 2013
Lecture, student presentations