Modul Semantic Web Technologies, Informatik (Master) (SPO 5)

Englische Sprache
Kompakte Schrift



Semantic Web Technologies


Prof. Dr. Peter Henning


1. Semester



In a globalized information society, data semantics is of increasing importance. XML techniques, Ontologies and reasoning concepts are at the core of semantic technology.

Students acquire abstract and concrete competencies to use basic and advanced XML techniques (XML DTD and Schema, XLink/XPointer), and have dealt with various XSLT applications in the functional programming paradigm.

Students have abstract and concrete knowledge about the  Resource Description Framework RDF, its extension into RDFS and OWL; they know how to write and visualize simple ontologies and how these are used in software applications

Students know machine based reasoning tools and principles of knowledge description, they have performed several reasoning tasks.

Students know different models of thinking and reasoning (deduction and induction), fundamentals of science theory and paradigms of learning and teaching. Students are competent to use and evaluate different scientific methodologies also in socio-political and societal situations

The course therefore contributes to the two dimensions technical knowledge and leadership skills. Since it is held in English, participants improve their key skills. The course also serves as enabler for students' own activities in a globalized information society.

Klausur 90 Min. (benotet)
Lehrveranstaltung Semantic Web Technologies



Prof. Dr. Peter Henning



120 Stunden gesamt, davon 30 Stunden Kontaktstudium.


  • XML Basics and XML Advanced: Documents and document types, (DTD, Namespaces and Schema, XLink, XPointer)
  • XSLT Basics and XSLt Advanced: XPath, simple transformations, principles of functional programming with XSLT
  • The Resource Description Framework RDF. Application to simple semantic views on data, extension into RDFS and description of simple ontologies.
  • Science theory, formal logic and models of thinking, application of scientific criticism to societal situations.
  • Modeling of knowledge using OWL, usage in software applications
  • Machine based reasoning.

Prerequisites: Participants should have basic knowledge of descriptive languages (XML applications), at least should have practical knowledge of Web programming.

Participants should have sufficient knowledge of technical English.

Format: Participation necessary in two classroom hours per week, electronic tests and essay writing on selected topics, theoretical self-study on semantic technologies.

Counseling Questions during course hours, electronic learning management system ILIAS, weekly online chat in ILIAS, 24 x 7 offline discussion in ILIAS Forum, eMail

  • PowerPoint transparencies
  • Electronic whiteboard notes as PDF
  • eLearning courses on XML, XSLT, SMIL
  • Additional electronic material for reading and self-assessment
  • V. Geroimenko, C. Chen, "Visualizing Information Using SVG and X3D. XML Based Technologies for the XML Based Web", Springer 2004, ISBN 978-1852337902
  • V. Geroimenko, C. Chen, "Visualizing the Semantic Web. XML-Based Internet and Information Visualization", Springer 2005, ISBN 978-1852339760
  • G. Antoniou, F. van Harmelen, "A Semantic Web Primer. Cooperative Information Systems", The MIT Press 2004, ISBN 0262012103
  • J. Eisenberg, "SVG Essentials", O'Reilly 2002, ISBN 978-0596002237
  • D. Bulterman, L. Rutledge, "Smil 2.0: Interactive Multimedia for Web and Mobile Devices", Springer 2004, ISBN 354020234
  • P. A. Henning, "Taschenbuch Multimedia", Hanser 2007, ISBN 978-3446409712
Lehrveranstaltung Semantic Web Technologies Laboratory



Prof. Dr. Peter Henning



60 Stunden gesamt, davon 30 Stunden Kontaktstudium.

Übung 1 Semester (nicht benotet)

Topics covered by practical lab problems include:

  • XML Basics: Document Type Definition and XML Schema definitions.
  • Advanced XML techniques: Document Object Model and XPath addressing in documents. The transformation of documents using XSLT. Functional programming in XSLT.
  • Visualization using XML: SVG and GraphML applied to semantically rich XML documents
  • Resource Description Framework RDF: Creation of RDF documents, transformation of RDF into XML Schema definition
  • RDFS, OWL: Basics of ontologies and their application
  • Machine based reasoning and logical problem solution

Prerequisites: Students should be participants of the "Semantic Web Technologies" course, at least should have theoretical knowledge of the topics covered.

Format: Participation in 2 lab hours per week in small groups of 2-3 students, practical self-study and XML programming.

Deliverables: Successful completion (upload to ILIAS in time) of 80% of the lab problems.

Counseling: Personal counseling during lab hours, electronic learning managment system ILIAS, weekly online chat in ILIAS, 24 x 7 offline discussion in ILIAS forum, eMail

  • eLearning content
  • Books mentioned as course material for browsing
  • XML Editor oXygen in media::lab
  • Internet research during lab hours